Consider the strengths and challenges of applying theory(ies) to the practice of clinical supervision as compared to applying theory to clinical practice.

Understanding the Role of Theory in Clinical Supervision

Theory serves as the foundation for clinical practice and for clinical supervision. Understanding the role of theory in clinical supervision is important to your development as a clinical supervisor and assists in the adoption of your own theory, model, and style of clinical supervision. Many supervisors employ psychotherapeutic theories for their entire supervisory practice. These theoretical practices of supervision include the application of specific techniques and interventions that are psychotherapeutically driven.

The Discussion this week is designed to illustrate how counseling theory can be applied to a specific supervisory session as well as how key concepts, interventions, and techniques may be applied during a supervision session.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the Bernard (2005) and Pearson (2006) journal articles. Consider how the application of psychotherapeutic theory can affect the supervisory relationship.

Consider the strengths and challenges of applying theory(ies) to the practice of clinical supervision as compared to applying theory to clinical practice.

Select a psychotherapeutic theory you are most likely adopt and one that you are least likely to adopt when working with a supervisee.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 an analysis (similarities and differences) related to the application of your two selected theories when they are applied during clinical supervision rather than during a client/counselor relationship. Provide specific examples of key concepts and describe at least two techniques or interventions from each theory. Do you think there are diversity limitations to your selected theories and if so, how would you handle these limitations?

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