For this assignment, you will develop one of the first OPE’s into a full essay. As a reminder, these were the basic OPE assignment descriptions:
OPE 1: For this one-paragraph essay (OPE), you will craft an argumenthat answers the question
of whether or not texting truly helps people connect with one another. Consider if texting does more harm or good when it comes to establishing and maintaining human relationships.
be sure that you take a clear stand that will require examples and support to persuade a reader, including addressing the other side of the issue. Your essay should include a compelling introduction, well-organized support in the body paragraphs, and an effective conclusion. Additionally, you will use at least two reliable sources, one of which must be an assigned essay or video from this course. Be sure to cite all sources using MLA format in this 3 ½-to-4-page, double-spaced paper.