Compare the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances at the state level in Texas to those in the U.S. federal system, including both similarities and differences in the structures.

GOVT 2306 SLOs:

1.  Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice in Texas.

2. Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government.

Writing Prompt for GOVT 2306

Compare the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances at the state level in Texas to those in the U.S. federal system, including both similarities and differences in the structures.

Please make sure that your paper addresses TEXAS specifically, and not simply the federal government.

Your assignment must meet all of the following criteria

1.       Includes your name and student’s ID number in the header

2.       Be word processed

3.       Be double spaced

4.       Be submitted electronically via eCampus

5.       Have a minimum length of 500 words

6.       Follow a five (5) paragraph essay format (ie intro paragraph, at least three supporting paragraphs and a conclusion)

7.       Includes at least one formal citation from a credible journalistic source, book or peer reviewed journal

8.       Follow all of the conventions and rules of Standard Written English

The template located in this folder is formatted appropriately with 1 inch margins and is double spaced. Please use this template and replace the placeholder text with your name and student id. Please read the text, which offers you some guidance on how best to structure this paper. When you submit the assignment, please delete the sample text that I have provided. It is only there to offer guidance.

You are allowed “unlimited attempts” only inasmuch as you may resubmit your paper any time before the due date. I will grade your LAST submission ONLY.

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