Choose one aspect of consumer buying behaviour theory from the following list, and you need to have a fully referenced, critical, academic discussion. cross-cultural behaviour; attitudes; sub-cultures; household decision-making; Personality. Carry out a critical investigation of how an understanding of this theory can be used advantageously by an organisation in the marketing of a product or service offering of your choice. On this occasion the study should follow a simple report format with these sections: • a title and contents; • a brief introduction (You must choose a product or service that will be talked about); • a main body (this will form two parts (In the first half of the main body identify two specific concepts of cross culture (e.g. country of origin effects and cross cultural analysis) and critically discuss them; (In the second half of the main body, you then discuss how the company which owns the product you have chosen can use knowledge of these concepts in order to gain competitive advantage). • And, a brief conclusion which may include some brief recommendations