( I will attach you the instructions) but this is an overview
ook at the Design + Violence on-line exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art (http://designandviolence.moma.org/ (Links to an external site.)) and the Working with People website (www.working-with-people.org (Links to an external site.)).
Choose an idea – either an object from the Design + Violence exhibit or a keyword from the Working with People site – that compels you in some way (intrigues, angers, fascinates, motivates, etc.) and write / record a piece for the site. PLEASE NOTE: You may post your comment to the Design + Violence blog, or submit your video to Working with People for the website, but THAT IS NOT THE ASSIGNMENT, and you do not need to do that to complete it. Rather, the assignment for this class is only to write a post or record a video as if you were going to contribute to them. This is part one of this assignment. In addition to your comment or video, write a 500-1000 word discussion of the topic / keyword you chose and why. Use at least one of the readings we’ve done thus far in the class to contextualize your thinking.