Briefly explain the steps needed to produce an image in both modalities.

Instructor’s name

Slide 2: Identify the pathology and give a brief description of important information regarding the pathology.

Slide 3: Diagnostic procedures. Briefly explain the steps needed to produce an image in both modalities. This should include items such as patient position, contrast used and how much, region of interest, any specific protocols, etc. Do not go into a lengthy discussion. You do not need to say remove all jewelry, articles of clothing and so forth.

Slide 4: CT imaging comparison. Show a CT image of a “normal” section of your chosen anatomy and compare it to an “abnormal” CT image demonstrating the same anatomy including your chosen pathology. Using labels identify all pertinent anatomical structures in both images. Do not forget to identify the pathology. Make sure both images are CT images. *Note: Make sure these are CT images. Not all images found on the internet are accurately labeled. If you are unsure, refer to your textbook or ask your professor.

Slide 5: MRI imaging comparison. Show an MRI image of a “normal” section of your chosen anatomy and compare it to an “abnormal” MRI image demonstrating the same anatomy including your chosen pathology. Using labels identify all pertinent anatomical structures in both images. Do not forget to identify the pathology. Make sure both images are MRI images.*Note: Make sure these are MRI images. Not all images found on the internet are accurately labeled. If you are unsure, refer to your textbook or ask your professor.

Slide 6: Conclusion. Determine from your research, the best modality that would aid the radiologist/physician in terms of diagnosis and treatment and explain why.

Slide 7: References. The References list must be in APA format according to the 6th edition APA Manual

To allow sufficient time for grading and providing feedback, late submissions will NOT be accepted. Any assignment not submitted or submitted after the deadline will be assessed a grade of zero “0”.

Early submissions are appreciated; however, they will not be returned until the end of the semester after all submissions have been graded.

The PowerPoint must be submitted as one document.

Students must use the following format as the title of the assignment when saving the document:


Example: Smith_Brain_Cerebral aneurysm

Note: All assignments received are considered complete and will be graded as such.

More detailed instruction can be found in the syllabus.

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