Deliverables: Excel spreadsheet file, MS Word report document
Assignment Overview
This assignment requires you to devise a local metadata element set for resources in your educational portfolio, document the scheme and map it to Dublin Core, create descriptive metadata records for the resources, and reflect on the process. Deliverables include a spreadsheet of metadata records, a report discussing issues related to the project, and a crosswalk document.
We will read about and discuss Dublin Core in class and Table 9.1 on page 233 of Miller also will be helpful.
Goals and Objectives
The goals of this assignment are to provide (1) an introductory lesson in creating a local metadata scheme, in preparation for the final course project; (2) practical, hands-on experience in creating descriptive metadata records; and (3) practice in mapping from one metadata scheme to another and addressing the issues that can arise during the process. The following objectives support these goals:
Devise a local metadata element set based on the characteristics and requirements of five digital artifacts in your graduate educational portfolio. Using your local scheme, create descriptive metadata records for the artifacts and apply controlled vocabulary and syntax standards to the element values.
Study the Dublin Core scheme and structure, including the semantic meanings of the elements, and create a crosswalk document showing how you would map data between the local element set and Dublin Core.
Identify and discuss issues related to creating local metadata and to mapping from one scheme to another.
Assignment Steps
1-Review your graduate educational portfolio and select five digital artifacts for which you will create metadata records. These artifacts can be from any graduate program.
2-In any combination, the artifacts must meet the following criteria:
*One artifact must be the product of multiple contributors (e.g., PowerPoint or Prezi group project).
* One artifact must have a Table of Contents (e.g., research paper or report).
* One artifact must be part of a larger project or collection (e.g., PowerPoint file from presentation).
3-Based on the features of these artifacts, develop an original, comprehensive element set that captures as much information as possible about your resources. This local scheme should include, but is not limited to, the resource identification and responsibility elements addressed in Miller chapter 3 and the content and relationship elements discussed in chapter 4.
4-A sample Excel file is provided. Use it as a template or create your own spreadsheet file that contains three worksheets:
Sheet 1: Local Scheme: Create a 3-column table listing the elements of your local metadata scheme, a brief definition for each element, and any vocabulary or syntax encoding scheme required for that element.
Sheet 2: Metadata Records: List the data elements of your scheme as column headers and below enter the values for each of the five metadata records as rows (i.e., one row for each artifact = six rows total).
Sheet 3: Metadata Crosswalk: Study the Dublin Core scheme and structure, including refinements, and create a crosswalk document showing how you would map data between the local element set and Dublin Core. The table should include the local element, the DC term, and any implementation notes that describe how data has been combined or omitted. You may not be able to bring all the data and context from the local scheme into DC without losing data. One purpose of this assignment is to get you to think about the decisions that you are making in what data is mapped and what data isn’t.
5-Write a short report that describes your experience of doing this assignment. The structure of your report should include the following sections:
Introduction: Briefly introduce the document, your local metadata scheme, and each of the five artifacts you created descriptive metadata for.
Discussion: Analyze the issues that arose when creating your local scheme and records and when mapping the scheme to Dublin Core. You can discuss such areas as the functional requirements of your artifacts, the quality of the metadata, encoding decisions, challenges of the mapping process, and so on. To me, this analysis demonstrates your learning process and your understanding of the issues as they relate to the principles covered in the course readings, so spend some thoughtful time on this.
Summary and Conclusion: Wrap up your report with some summary and concluding statements. Include here any lessons learned and so on. Also i need a short summary of your experience.
Official Dublin Core Technical Documents
This Dublin Core documentation is just a starting point for this project. You may want to review the Dublin Core Application Profile examples in Module 3 or do additional research for clarification on terms or to find specific usage examples.
Dublin Core Metadata Registry (Links to an external site.) – authoritative information about DCMI metadata terms and related vocabularies; aids in the discovery of terms and their definitions and shows relationships between terms
User Guide/Creating Metadata (Links to an external site.) – a short introduction to Dublin Core and Dublin Core Terms
DCMI Metadata Terms (Links to an external site.) – an up-to-date specification of all metadata terms maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, including properties, vocabulary encoding schemes, syntax encoding schemes, and classes
Local Metadata Scheme Grading Rubric
Local Metadata Scheme Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Satisfy Course Learning Outcome 1: Analyze issues related to metadata interoperability, standardization, encoding, and assessment of metadata schemes.
Full Marks
5 pts
No Marks
0 pts
5 pts
Satisfy Course Learning Outcome 2: Design and document metadata and encoding schemes and application profiles to meet the functional requirements of specific collections, projects, organizations, and communities.
Full Marks
5 pts
No Marks
0 pts
5 pts
Satisfy Course Learning Outcome 4: Create and implement controlled vocabularies for metadata value spaces.
Full Marks
5 pts
No Marks
0 pts
5 pts
Satisfy Course Learning Outcome 5: Apply basic metadata quality metrics to evaluate the quality, interoperability, and shareability of different types of metadata
Full Marks
5 pts
No Marks
0 pts
5 pts
Total Points: 20