A capacity valuable has been added to the state of the class. Set its value to 27 in the default constructor;

Data Structure c++ – hashing (Binary Search Tree)

i need to modify & add additional functions to my assignment if needed

(my code is working fine) unless i find anything fix it please.



1.  The Client_Address_Book is a dynamic array.  Please note the changes in the state of the class;


2.  A capacity valuable has been added to the state of the class.  Set its value to 27 in the default constructor;


3.  Implement a destructor for the Client_Address_Book class;


4. Implement a copy constructor for the Client_Address_Book class;


5. Implement a copy constructor for the Cleint_Info_BST class;


6. Implement a destructor for hte Client_Info_BST class.


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